Fueling all of life’s adventures.
Fueled Performance Nutrition
We believe in fueling all of life’s adventures, whether that be an elite athletic competition, hiking with friends, or enjoying a birthday celebration amongst good company. Our belief is that there are no “good” or “bad” foods, just foods that help us take care of ourselves by eating adequately, consistently, and from a variety of foods that we enjoy and have access to.
We’re unapologetically fueled. Our goal is to help people live in a way that boldly aligns with their values.
Linda is a board certified sports dietitian (CSSD) registered dietitian. Her passion is supporting athletes and active people fuel their goals and activities, leaving diet culture, food rules, and restriction behind. She enjoys providing psychoeducation on relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) and takes a proactive approach to help people recover from and prevent experiencing signs and symptoms of RED-S.
Nutrition Counseling
50-Minute Sessions ($150)
Team Education Sessions
Please send Linda an email for more information. This can look like education on sports nutrition, RED-S, eating disorders, etc
Outreach + Education Services
Please send Linda an email for more information. This can look like education on sports nutrition, RED-S, eating disorders, etc
Contact Us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and Linda will reach out within 24-48 hours. Can’t wait to connect!